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CompletedGamesReal Porn GamesWindows

Bad Ass Babes – Final Version 3.0 (Full Game) [Thatcher Productions]

Overview Info Changelog

Info: Earth has been invaded by an alien race. Men are being captured and turned into mutant soldiers whilst the women are being herded like cattle to be used for the alien breeding program.
To survive the mutiple births and to ensure the hybrid experiments are a success the aliens endow the women with special strength and power.
A few of these women are rising up against the invasion and plan to take on the aliens and anyone else in their way. They must battle the enemy to join the resistance group known as the Bad ass babes.

Date: 16.09.2023
Language: English
Version: 3.0
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

Creator of this game: Patreon.com

Download for Windows/ Linux

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