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Chess Game – Version 0.04 [Janus Paradox]

Overview Info Changelog

Info: In 2021, seemingly the most senseless crisis in the history of humanity occurred. It was preceded by many events and led to many consequences, such as the rapid development of artificial intelligence. On the other hand, this crisis overshadowed things that are more important to humans. Many conspiracy theories and speculations by ordinary people developed about why all of this was happening. However, the only way to discover the truth is to look at the bigger picture. You can find the real answer by examining the past, present, and future simultaneously, which is made possible by this game.
The story follows a character who is obsessed with chess and sees not only chess on the chessboard but also in life. He wonders who is moving the pieces in real life.​

Date: 16.08.2023
Language: English
Version: 0.04
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

Creator of this game: Patreon.com

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One Comment

  1. I don’t understand how you get the surrounding so perfect and the models really bad. And nothing goes smooth in this game.

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