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Dorothy’s Journey – Version 0.1 [Myon-San]

Overview Info Changelog

Info: Every day’s a rerun: rise and shine early, punch in at work, hit the bottle, and crash out. But then, one day, his stepmom drops the bombshell, “I wanna get more muscular!” And wouldn’t you know it, his life takes a wild 180-degree spin. Oh, and I almost forgot, our main player? He’s got himself a hankerin’ for muscles. Talk about a spicy plot twist!

Date: 30.05.2024
Language: English
Version: 0.1
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

New Version: Dorothy’s Journey
Old Version: My Stepmom’s Journey For Muscle

1. Dorothy has 9 Levels of size
2. Some Events
3. Map System
4. Perspective System
5. Workout Scene
6. Night and day system
7. Change the font to make it easier to read
8. Activity System
9. Dorothy can check herself in the mirror and there will be a description.
10. More than 10 thousand lines of coding (I can’t count them anymore)
11. Sprites for each character
12. Scene has been rendered for the implemented location
13. One important event at the end when Dorothy has reached level 9 size
14. And there are many more that I can’t mention one by one

Creator of this game: Patreon.com

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