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Lucky Paradox – Version 0.8.6 Beta [Stawer]

Overview Info Changelog

A small town disconected from the rest of the world, where you can enjoy a relaxing season and some interesting places. But there’s a mystery that hides this place, that will change the way you see the world forever…
In Lucky Paradox you play as a good-hearted young rebel in search of his childhood friend, whom he hasn’t seen for two years. Until one day our MC is struck by an accident that leaves him in coma, when he wakes up from the coma and he find a letter next to his bed with an Address. He recognizes the letter from his friend.​

Date: 19.08.2023
Language: English, Spanish
Version: 0.8.6 Beta
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

v0.8.6 Beta
180 – 210 min of New Content~
4 New Event Added to the Gallery.
New Liz Huge Story Content.
New Sasha Huge Story Content.
Two New Events about Lucky’s Past.
New Growth Potion Event Added for Sasha.
New Growth Potion Event Added for Liz.
Growth Potion added for Sasha.
Growth Potion added for Liz.
Growth Potion Sasha Variation added to the Gallery.
Growth Potion Liz Variation added to the Gallery.
New Location: Nascita: The Night Café.
New Interaction with Bonnie at the Nascita (very little for now).
New Interaction with Liz at the Museum: Go to Hot springs.
New Interaction with Sasha at the room: “Talk” to progress her Main Story.
More details for character profiles (Love/Lust and Progress).
7 New Sound Effects.
A Better Manual Patch Update
Some old texts have been retranslated to be more natural.
New Hints in the Events tab has been added to Liz’s Profile for Growth Potion Events.
New Hints in the Events tab has been added to Sasha’s Profile for Growth Potion Events.
New Hints in the Events tab has been added to Sasha’s Profile “Lucky’s Past Event” Events.
Some typos and text has been fixed
More bugs have been fixed

Creator of this game: Patreon.com

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