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The Copycat – Version 0.8.0 [PiggyBackRide Productions]

Overview Info Changelog

Info: Don’t you just hate it when it’s your first day back at school and your bully is waiting for you?
After your father was murdered in a brutal killing, you thought the relentless bullying at school would slow down, but it only got worse. While struggling to fit in, can you break out of your shell and become popular or will you watch your bully spoil the family you have left? As if that wasn’t bad enough, a serial killer roams loose in St Louis, will he eventually set his eyes on someone close to you?

Date: 07.06.2024
Language: English
Version: 0.8.0
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

– Slim Jones discusses the possibility of starting a family with the married woman whom he’s having an affair with. The only problem is …her current husband.
– Jason is tormented by the memories from the previous evening, but what did Monty mean by taking care of the problem? Jason is forced to take action to ensure the safety of his only remaining family member, but will it land him in hot water yet again?
– Nora decides to come to Vegas in support of her friend, but how will this affect her own fractioned family? And will there ever be a way back if the gang gets hold of her?
– Jamal wants to punish Gretchen for turning on him, or has he found a new plaything altogether? Does he even need her anymore?
– Gretchen struggles to navigate the gang politics as she knows there is a difference between being useful to the gang and being used by them.
– Calicoe wants Gretchen to help him in his divide and conquer tactics against treacherous gang members, but what about Gretchen’s fleeting loyalties?
– Savannah is out partying with A-list celebrities, but does Jason fit into her world? Can he really measure up against this kind of competition? Is there something he can do to retain her interest? Or is his name already forever branded on Savannah’s shit list?

Creator of this game: Subscribestar.adult

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